Chiropractic and Whiplash


Bryan Bajakian, Dr. Bryan Bajakian, Bryan Bajakian D.C., Bryan Bajakian NJ, Bryan Bajakian Chiropractor, Bryan Bajakian Arrested Whiplash symstoms, Bryan Bajakian sentencing you to a successful recovery from whiplash, chiropractor, chiropractic, north jersey, Kristine Bajakian

Whiplash usually occurs when there is an unusual, unexpected and sudden impact to the body that causes the neck to be thrown in one direction then another very quickly. Of the millions of chiropractic patients each year, many have suffered from a whiplash injury, as whiplash is one of the most common outcomes of an automobile accident with 15-30% of victims suffering from neck pain after an automobile accident.

When the spine is thrown from one direction to another it is usually the rebounding that causes the most damage.  The head is also usually turned to the right or left to a small degree during the accident, which makes the injury more prevalent.  It can cause soft tissue damage, muscle damage, tendon damage and damage to other ligaments.  This damage can range from sever to mild, and be slow or fast healing. It is also capable of causing long term damage that results in chronic pain. Studies show that 50-88% of whiplash sufferers continue to experience pain and some disability for years after the accident.

Spinal Cord Damage

Bryan Bajakian, Dr. Bryan Bajakian, Bryan Bajakian D.C., Bryan Bajakian NJ, Bryan Bajakian Chiropractor, Bryan Bajakian Arrested Whiplash symstoms, Bryan Bajakian sentencing you to a successful recovery from whiplash, chiropractor, chiropractic, north jersey, Kristine Bajakian


The severity of the accident will determine the range of damage. Whiplash can cause symptoms from stiffness to severe pain, and in some cases paralysis or death. The symptoms usually start with soreness and stiffness in the neck, possibly accompanied by a headache, and begin immediately after the accident. Numbness, tingling, pins and needles between the shoulder blades, arm and hand, ear ringing, dizziness, hearing loss, blurred vision, eye pain, sensitivity to light, and other visual impairments are some of the symptoms that accompany whiplash.

In addition, a concussion caused by the rough jarring of the head that throws the brain against the skull, may accompany whiplash. Concussion symptoms are headaches, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, moodiness, depression, and emotional jitters. These symptoms are known as Post Concussion Syndrome.

The Medical Approach

Bryan Bajakian, Dr. Bryan Bajakian, Bryan Bajakian D.C., Bryan Bajakian NJ, Bryan Bajakian Chiropractor, Bryan Bajakian Arrested Whiplash symstoms, Bryan Bajakian sentencing you to a successful recovery from whiplash, chiropractor, chiropractic, north jersey, Kristine Bajakian

A person involved in an accident should first be sure that there is no life threatening injuries. This is performed by emergency medicine specialists, and is prevalent in keeping the patient out of danger. Once the serious life threatening injuries have been ruled out the victim needs to be examined by a doctor of chiropractic.

The Chiropractic Approach

Bryan Bajakian, Dr. Bryan Bajakian, Bryan Bajakian D.C., Bryan Bajakian NJ, Bryan Bajakian Chiropractor, Bryan Bajakian Arrested Whiplash symstoms, Bryan Bajakian sentencing you to a successful recovery from whiplash, chiropractor, chiropractic, north jersey, Kristine Bajakian

Chiropractic care helps alleviate pain and correct the spinal damage that was caused by the whiplash. Many whiplash sufferers are forced to live out their life in pain and taking painkillers to be able to cope with that pain, but those that seek chiropractic treatment can return to normal health through spinal adjustments.  Even whiplash sufferers that have let years pass may be helped by chiropractic. If the spine is not structurally sound, as in the case of whiplash that is untreated, it may lead to other illness and injury over time.

If you have been involved in an accident, no matter how long ago, and are in pain see your local chiropractor for an examination and relief.

One thought on “Chiropractic and Whiplash

  1. Chiropractic do treat back pain the natural way. Chiropractic treatment is the only of its kind that focuses on correcting the misaligned spinal vertebrae that tends to be the root cause in most of body ailments. Your content and information is really valuable Thanks for sharing this

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